About Nebulosa

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What is it?

Nebulosa is an hybrid between an IRC Client and a BNC.

It works by creating a web server and passing messages using Socket.io between the IRC Client / WebServer (written in Node.js) and the Web Interface (HTML5).

Why choose such a model?

Nebulosa tries to meet the needs of more advanced users rather than trying to be simple and easy to use.

Its architecture provides:

  • A completely customizable HTML5 User Interface
  • Remote access from any compatible device.. just host Nebulosa on a server and connect to it.
    • As such, Nebulosa can act as a BNC
  • Coffeescript and Javascript scripts enable for automation and new features (kinda like mIRC "remotes")

Do I *have* to use the Web Interface?

And the good news is.. No, you don't!

Being a Client/Server architecture you can just forget about the webclient (or in future releases, disable it completely) and create your own app (or use somebody else's) that talks to the server part of Nebulosa and use that instead!

Since the communication is handled through Socket.IO you'll need a Socket.IO client, which already exists for a variety of well-known programming languages.

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